
Create an Account - Step 1 of 4

Welcome to eDevelopment!


In creating an account with the eDevelopment service, you will be able to use both the ePlanning and eBuildingStandards services to submit applications to all Scottish local and planning authorities.

The information that you enter in creating your account will be used to pre-populate some fields in any applications that you prepare on this website. When you submit an application, this data will be shared with your planning or building authority. Rest assured that outside these submissions, neither your password nor your personal information will be shared with anyone else. For full details on how your personal information is used can be viewed in our Privacy Notice.

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Personal Details

Please enter your personal details. See help for more information about the User Type options.


User Type: *

You must enter a value for Title, and if 'Other' is selected a value for Other Title: *

Security Questions

Please choose your security questions and answers. These will be used if you ever need to verify your account.

Login Details

Please enter your login details.


  The password should be at least 12 characters long, not contain any spaces, and must satisfy all of the following rules:
  1. At least one English lowercase character (a-z)
  2. At least one English uppercase character (A-Z)
  3. At least one numeral (0-9)
  4. At least one non-alphanumeric character (character other than a-z, A-Z, 0-9)

In order to create an account and use the eDevelopment.scot service to submit applications online, we ask that you read and agree to the Terms and Conditions of the service, and are aware of how your personal data will be used as set out in our Privacy Notice.