Help: Account details

Log-in details

Creating an account or editing account details.

To create an account you will need your e-mail address and you will need to think of a password for your eDevelopment account. You will use these details each time you log into eDevelopment.

Your email address is used regularly by the site's features, and we treat it as a unique identifying pointer to you as well as the primary contact method for the site administrators. Because of this, you must use an existing email address you can access which is private to you. You will also need to remember the address as there can be long periods of time between applications and appeals. Enter your email address in lower-case characters (for example

Confirm your email address by re-entering it. Do not copy and paste the previous email as you might be copying a typed error. Typing this twice helps you pick up when you type an email differently and saves you significant inconvenience when trying to sort out incorrect account details later.

Creating a password

Enter a password that you will remember. Do not make it a weak password that can be guessed. Strong passwords contain seven to 15 characters, do not include common words or names, and combine three of these character types: upper-case letters, lower-case letters, numbers, or symbols.

Confirm your password by re-entering the password that you entered. Do not copy and paste the previous password as you might be copying a typed error. Typing this twice helps you pick up when you type a password differently and saves you significant inconvenience when trying to sort out incorrect account details later. Passwords are case-sensitive. They must be at least five characters long and must not contain spaces.

Auto-removal of inactive users

If the account has not been used for over 18 months, we will deactivate it. We will send you an email 30 days beforehand telling you that if you do not log in to your account, we will remove all applications or appeals (including draft ones).

If you are a member of an organisation, the account and everyone who is a member of that organisation has to be inactive for two years before we deactivate the accounts. The group members will each receive an email telling them that if they do not log in to their account all applications or appeals will be removed.


To permanently remove your details from the site, press the unregister link. This will allow you to remove any details you have added to this site. All draft proposals and those you have sent in will also be removed and you will not be able to create a proposal unless you register your details again.

If you are the administrator of an organisation, you will not be able to unregister unless you give your administration rights to another member of the organisation. They will still have access to your proposals but you will not have access to theirs or be able to log in again unless you register your details again. You can delete the organisation or change administration rights by going into Sharing.

If you have just sent in a proposal that has not been processed yet, you will not be able to unregister until it has been processed by your local authority. Once this has been done, you will be able to return to this section and unregister.